Peter Rosendal, Kristine Heebøll, Jens Ulvsand
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See video from the 2018-album, Polyglot Pike. Video:Toscana Return Ticket
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Reviews , Polyglot Pike
(fRoots): ”Everything flows with such natural grace in the players’ styles that it sounds utterly natural, yet the arrangements are so fiendishly complex that at times it becomes hard to tell where one musician stops and the next picks up. That empathy is the sign of a good band. It helps, too, that the material is strong, hiding a swinging core beneath all the delicacy.”
(Fyens Stiftstidende): "Gennem fornyelse sikrer man sig en traditionsforankring, og der er med dette album ingen tvivl om, at både dansk og svensk folkemusik får en saltvandsindsprøjtning. …. Kristine Heebølls violinspil og Jens Ulvsands guitarspil matcher flot Peter Rosendals. (…) Trioen er blevet betydeligt mere frimodig og risikovillig end på tidligere udgivelser, og spændet fra den langsomme, ligefremme vals til de glade og fyrige improvisationer på mange af numrene er stort og behageligt."
( ... Understated and quietly beautiful,… the music is polished and confident,… This album needs some quiet appreciation, and rewards careful listening.